High Fibre Cereals
Here at OatWell™, you will find high fibre cereals and oat bran powder options to help you live a healthier lifestyle. Fibre is naturally found in high amounts in oats. The beta-glucan fibre in oats is especially beneficial to your health and wellbeing, as it forms a cholesterol binding matrix in your digestive system, helping to lower your cholesterol levels and keep your heart healthy. Eating oat-grain fibres has a whole host of additional health benefits, with advantages ranging from better bowel and digestive health, to promoting a healthy gut microflora and controlling blood glucose levels, helping you to live a healthier life. Our high fibre cereals are simply second to none and offer a vast amount of health benefits which you can experience today.

100% Customer Satisfaction
Easy to take as I just stir it into my morning porridge. Still waiting for my cholesterol check, so can't say if it's had a positive effect yet, but it has been beneficial for my gut health.